2022-11-15 09:51:13
Now many professional registration of the company's agency, if the authorized agency to apply for registration of the e-commerce company costs about 800 yuan, including the application for a business license, engraved seal, package engraved company seal, financial seal and legal person private seal cost, service content is more complete.
The above is the cost of Shenzhen to apply for registration of e-commerce companies, although their own to handle the cost is 0 yuan, but if not professional and not familiar with the steps may lead to increase many additional costs, so it is recommended to entrust professional industry and commerce agency to apply for registration is better.虽然收取一定的服务费是必要的,但这个成本是值得的,因为它可以让自己更省心,享受一站式服务,让创业更轻松!
好顺佳为中小企业提供专业的工商登记、财税代理、知识产权、人事、社保等服务。如果您有任何业务或者税务方面的问题需要了解,可以登录官网咨询!Shenzhen registered company Zhongjin Fubon Investment (Shenzhen) Co., LTD
问企业服务,*处理各种类型的公司的登记,设立有限责任公司,应当具备下列条件:(一)股东符合法定人数的数量;(二)有符合公司章程规定的全体股东认缴的出资额;(三)股东共同* *公司章程;(四)有公司名称,建立符合有限责任公司要求的组织机构;(五)有公司住所。
Q enterprise service, * for all kinds of company registration.设立股份有限公司,应当具备(1) The number of sponsors meets the quorum;(2) having the total amount of capital stock subscribed or paid-in capital stock raised by all the sponsors in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association;(3) the issuance and preparation of shares comply with the provisions of law;(4) where the sponsors formulate the articles of association of the company and establish the company by means of public subscription, (五)有符合股份有限公司要求的公司名称和组织机构;(六)有公司住所。
Q enterprise service, * for all kinds of company the shareholders have fully subscribed to the capital contribution stipulated in the articles of association, the representatives of all shareholders * or jointly entrusted agents shall submit the application for company registration, the articles of association and other documents to the company registration authority to apply for establishment registration
Q Enterprise Service, Shenzhen,在广州、香港及全球178个地区和地区进行公司注册、商标注册和注册,包括但不限于全球公司注册、公司变更、公司注销、各种资质申请、财务代理、财务审计
Q enterprise service, * for all kinds of company limited liability company shall maintain a register of shareholders, which shall record the following: (1) the names and domiciles of the shareholders;(2) the amount of capital contribution of shareholders;(3) Serial number of the capital contribution shareholders recorded in the register of shareholders may claim to exercise their rights according to the register of company shall register the names of its shareholders with the company registration authority;Where any registered item has been changed, registration of the change shall be who have not registered or whose registration is changed shall not oppose * three persons.
Q Enterprise service, provide 176 regions and regions of the world company registration, company to open bank accounts, company annual audit change, company transfer, company accounting and tax declaration one-stop service
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