2022-09-27 14:15:52
【服务】1.公司注册:境内公司注册、集团公司注册、独资、合伙、股份公司 2、公司变更:公司名称、法定代表人、地址、注册资本、经营范围、公司类型、经营期限、公司股权转让、法人重组、跨区域进出。 3、公司注销:工商营业执照清算组的登记注销、银行基本账户注销、税务清算审计的注销。 4、代理记账:一般纳税人和小型企业的月度纳税申报和会计处理、税控审批、税控托管和日常维护。
【热搜词】注册公司、转让公司营业执照、杭州市工商局、营业执照转让、工商年检审计报告、注册公司、工商注册、工商、提供公司注册地址、注册地址租金,营业执照,在杭州注册公司需要多少钱,财务会计,公司注册,地址转移,地址租赁,银行开户,提供注册地址,国内公司注册,批准,营业执照,非注册-政府组织、营业执照、章程起草、国税、地税登记、营业执照变更、营业期限变更、注册地址变更、法人变更、股权变更、注册资本变更、税务变更、小额纳税、资金证明、基本银行账户变更、一般纳税人、代理记账、会计师事务所/律师事务所、工资单、发票服务、个体户、合资企业、集团公司、注册分公司、个体户、集团公司注册、分公司注册、营业执照、内资注册等。相信我们的专业和服务,欢迎来电咨询! ! !
【服务区域】:拱墅区:大观、余杭唐商、小河、康桥、半山、万达广场、莫干山路萧山区:钱江世纪城、北干、开发区、新塘、蜀山、城厢、文岩、湘湖、大江东、新街, 瓜梨, Yipeng, Qianjin Riverside District: Rainbow City, Xixing, Changhe, Puyan, District Government Shangcheng District: City War, Nanxing, Omijiang, Hubin, Wushan Square, Fuxing Xiacheng District: Zhaohui, Dongxin, Chaoming, Fengqi Along the road, Shiqiao, Santang, Wulin Jianggan District: Xiasha, Jiubao, Jingfang, Dingqiao, Sanliting, Zhalongkou, Sijiqing, Jianqiao West Lake District: Wenyi Road, Wener Road, Wensan Road, Cui Garden, Stay, Zhuantang, Xixi, Huanglong, Lingyin Yuhang District: Qiaosi, Linping, Xingqiao, Dingqiao, Chongxian, Tangqi, Gouzhuang, Liangzhu, Sandun, Wuchang, Xianlin
How to account for the liquidated damages received by the company
Relying on the technology and word of mouth accumulated in the computer era, and a sound sales network, Kingdee UF currently has a strong presence in the financial and taxation companies and enterprise user markets. greater influence.
Billion Enterprises Win
Billion Enterprise Accounts, the industrys leading financial and taxation management software, mainly provides software + management output modules, and provides overall solutions for accounting companies.
Tianpeng Cloud Account
Accumulated nearly 100 technical patents, independently developed an intelligent finance and taxation SaaS service platform, integrating cloud invoicing, intelligent finance, customer management and call system, and also has sales management, customer labor Practical tools such as single management and financial risk inspection have served thousands of agency bookkeeping companies across the country. Among them, in the intelligent financial system section, the batch collection of daily invoices reaches 750,000, the monthly automatic voucher generation exceeds 45 million, and the cumulative tax declaration has reached 1 million times, providing a one-stop solution for the digital transformation of the bookkeeping industry, cost reduction and efficiency increase .
Good accountants
A financial cloud application for small and micro enterprises that integrates invoices, finances and taxes Efficiently and intelligently improve the financial management level of small and micro enterprises.
Jincai Accounts
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